Sun-filled Maternity Session with En Route Photography

If you have met Gabby Sutori you know that she is a true ray of sunshine. She is a ball of magnetic, contagious, positive energy that spreads onto everyone she touches.
I have known Gabby for over 5 years and I have watched her photography business grow with an awe and healthy dosage of attentive curiosity. Gabby knew exactly what she wanted, she knew how to get it and she worked her tiny sexy butt off acheive all her goals, including being a super star Mother.
When Gabby asked me to take few photographs of her, almost about to pop, baby belly I knew we would have a lot of fun.
I have photographed maternity session once or twice in my life before. It always was a great experience as I stared curiously at big bellies, seeing movement, kicks and Moms to be radiating with this crazy amazing energy, the glow, ultimate selflesness and love.
I have read recently that the word pregnant was something of a metaphor when it first started being used in relation to a baby. The original definition for pregnant was ‘full of meaning, highly significant’, and the word pregnant began being used as a synonym for the more self-explanatory term with child.
After arriving in Barcelona, watching Gabby getting her hair and makeup done (by super talented team Martina and Nikoleta), observing her bouncy, electric, bubbly energy filling up the whole room, admiring her when she hopped behind the wheel driving us to the nearby beach.

I always admired Gabby's baldness and “go get it” attitude. Impossible does not exist in Gabby’s dictionary! It almost feels like she seizes each day taking it all in breath after breath. It makes her Carpe Diem tattoo stand out even more.
Photographing this materninty session for me was such an amazing experience!
I witnessed Gabby swiftly transforming into a confident, beautiful woman she is and I am so happy to be her friend. 

The day after this photoshoot me and Gabby photographed super beautiful countryside wedding near Barcelona and again I found myself watching her with pure admiration while she was directing the bride and groom during their sunset session. 9 months pregnant, nailing a 10 hour wedding in 28 degree heat... I did not dare to complain about my feet being tired!

I watched her thinking this gal is a real gem. I wish everyone could have their Gabby time just to remember to ought to surround ourselves with people that reflect who we want to be and how we want to feel. People who inspire. People with contagious energies.

Beach pregnancy session Barcelona
Beach pregnancy session Barcelona
Beach Maternity session Barcelona white Zara dress
Beach maternity session Barcelona
Beach Maternity session Barcelona
Maternity session Barcelona beach
Beach Maternity session Barcelona white Zara dress
Beach pregnancy session Barcelona
Beach pregnancy session Barcelona red swimsuit
Beach Maternity session Barcelona
Beach Maternity session Barcelona white dress
Beach Maternity session Barcelona red swimsuit

LOCATION I Sitges, Barcelona
HAIR STYLING | Hair Over Heel
MAKEUP | Nikoleta
FILM LAB | Carmencita Film Lab